Friday, March 6, 2009

Oh how quickly they fall

I've learned many lessons about life, marketing and writing over the last 10 days. One thing I learned was the fleeting nature of blog traffic.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about you loyal readers. What I'm talking about is how current content must remain in order to maintain a readership.

While my average readership between my three blogs is up an average of 78% over last month I saw a drop of nearly 50% in the last week.

Why? Because I wasn't updating. Without a steady stream of new content on my blog there is no reason for you to come read. When you don't read you aren't sending others to read. blog fades to oblivion.

SO, how can you avoid this?

1. Always learn. Make sure you are reading books [or at least chapters] as well as online information about the industry you blog on.
2. Be a reliable source of information. I try to post 3 times a week, every week on each blog.
3. Anticipate your reader's need, then fulfill them.
4. Practice what you preach! Make sure that you have credibility with your readership. For me that means applying the principles that I suggest to you. For you it might mean keeping up to date on changes in gardening techniques or the political landscape. Whatever it is, stay relevant and credible.

And above all else, value your readership. Make them a priority and don't waste their time with fluff. I could have posted gibberish the last few days, but you are busy people. I'd rather post nothing that to build a reputation as someone who will do anything to have a blog post.

Don't forget to take advantage of my conference special. You have until today to email payment and until Monday to send your entries. I've received glowing reviews of my work. Here is one from someone who took me up on my offer. Jody Hedlund bragged about me on Rachelle Gardner's blog. Thanks so much Jody!

Tiffany Colter is a writer, speaker and writing career coach who works with beginner to published writers. She can be reached through her website at
Learn more about Tiffany's Marketing techniques on her main blog.
Common-sense money management is free at The Balanced Life website.
Read Tiffany's award winning manuscript "A Face in the Shadow" on her fiction blog.
She writes a blog for the Christian writer Tuesdays at Writer's Rest.


Jody Hedlund said...

Hi Tiffany,
I'm one of those bloggers who missed reading your posts last week! But I totally understand how busy you were. I hope you're catching up on your work load.

I've been thinking about your post from a couple days ago and have started putting together a few blog posts of my own for those "emergency" situations.

Keep up the great work!


Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Tiffany -

This is a timely subject for me. I post 3 times a week, but my blog traffic took a dip for a couple of weeks.

I think we also have to take into account that our readers have a life. Maybe their kids are sick or they're away on vacation.

Your advice is sound. Keep posting and giving excellent content. As with any other type of writing, knowing your audience is critical.

Susan :)

The Book Club Network - TBCN said...

Good Point Tiffany; You have THREE blogs, I can't hardly keep up with the one. You are AMAZING!!!

You always have useful information. I also LOVE your honesty. You are special that way!

I'm praying for your conference. I know it's going to be good. Look who's teaching it.

Thanks for all your hard work to keep us informed. I appreciate it and you.

Nora :D

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post. We really do need to anticipate a readers needs to keep them coming back.