Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Get out there and do it

Do you know what is involved in getting your writing in front of your target audience?


Yes, it's true. The fundamental skill each of us has to develop if we're going to take that wonderful piece of art and get it in front of our readers is learning how to ask.

This can come in the form of a query letter, a proposal, an email or an editor/agent appointment at conference. What it all comes down to, however, is asking.

I have to be honest, asking can be really tough. Until you ASK if someone is interested, you can continue to live in the blissful land of greatness. I've written many pages of stories, articles and blogs that I knew were simply going to REVOLUTIONIZE writing and make me rich and famous. Reality struck, however, when I asked someone if they were interested...and they said they weren't.

Those early days were tough. Since that time, however, I've found increasing success in asking how I can fill a NEED. Yes, rather than focusing on what I wanted I tried to discern the needs of a publisher or business owner, and fill them.

What is great is the focus shifts for me at that point. I no longer feel as if they are accepting or rejecting me, now they are deciding if they need my help. It softens the blow.

Even with that I've found out something very interesting...when I offer my help, most people welcome it.

I guess it boils down to the approach. I am continually ME focused or am I looking to fill a need. Our reward will come based on the size of the need we fulfill. [someone famous said that but, for the life of me, I don't remember who.]

So, get out there and do it. Write. Ask. Find a need. Fill it. Build your platform. Think up a story. Write it and let us know how it is going.

I'm very excited about Friday's blog. I have interviewed the editor of a print magazine that is currently accepting submissions. I hope you will come back and invite other writer friends to sign up for the blog so they'll receive the email as soon as the blog is posted.

I'll see you then. Until Friday, get out there and do it!!

April coaching spots available. $30/month for your personal writing career coach. Emailed coaching to help take your writing, and marketing, to the next level. Go to my contact page for details:

Editing. Get the first 5,000 words of your current manuscript edited for only $30 [articles up to 2,500 words for only $15.] Go to my contact page for details:
Tiffany Colter is a writer, speaker and writing career coach who works with beginner to published writers. She can be reached through her website at www.WritingCareerCoach.com
Learn more about Tiffany's Marketing techniques on her main blog.
Common-sense money management is free at The Balanced Life website.
Read Tiffany's award winning manuscript "A Face in the Shadow" on her fiction blog.
She writes a blog for the Christian writer Tuesdays at Writer's Rest.


Debra E. Marvin said...

Thanks Tiffany for another great post. I do read everyday, just so you know the lurkers are out there!!

I'm currently in the land of make believe. Finaling in contests, and polishing my wip. Counting down to the time when I start knocking on people's doors to show them my pretty baby. In other words, no real NOs yet.

I hope people are taking you up on your critique offer. I had just paid for something similar when I first saw your offer, or I'd have jumped on it myself. Everyone can use some helpful feedback!

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