Thursday, April 24, 2008

Scheduling Interruptions


Do you ever feel time gets away from you. If you are planning to write a major book, or write articles on a regular basis, you will need to learn how to schedule interruptions.

What do I mean by that?

You need to plan them in to your overall calendar.

If you look back on the blogs this month you'll see we've talked a good bit about focusing and getting things done. That is because as the weather gets beautiful [and those of you with children in school have them to tend] it will be easier for you to lose track of time...and your writing.

As a homeschooling mom, I actually find I have MORE time in the summer. That is because the 4 1/2 hours of ballet [I have 4 daughters], and the hours spent homeschooling each day are suddenly GONE. The kids can play and run outside....but they don't.

While there may seem to be more time, it actually requires more focus to remain in your routine as the summer months approach.

However, you must schedule some interruptions.

If you fill your calendar to its fullest potential each day, you will always be disappointed. That is why in my time management systems I always put a time pad in.

How much are you trying to schedule in to each day? Are there tasks your doing [chores] that others could do [family]? Are there things you could do together [listen to books on tape while cleaning or driving] to help your writing career?

Finally, are you giving yourself one day off each week to do NOTHING? I know I'm not. That is likely why I'm so exhausted. My productivity had dwindled away to about half what it normally is. So, I think I'll take some time next week to do nothing. [Ugh, even the thought of it puts a knot in my stomach]. I'll still need to school the kids and do the housework, but then maybe I'll take a few minutes to blow bubbles with my 5 year old or play Stratego with my 9 year old. Maybe I'll let my seven year old make lunch [she loves to make sandwiches for her sisters] and I'll not complain when she leaves my kitchen a mess.

Maybe I'll sit back and let my imagination fun wild. Maybe I'll make up a story to tell my kids.

Are you scheduling in interruptions [good and bad]? If you do, your writing will be better for it.

I have to go now, I have editing to do.

Your Coach for the Journey, Tiffany Colter

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