Friday, September 5, 2008

Local Connection Marketing

There are many ways to use themes presented in your book to create a platform for both your fiction and non-fiction and we have talked about them in the past, but there is another way to market your writing-a local connection.

Think about the area you live in, your hometown [if it is different], hobbies, groups, colleges and other affiliations you have. These can all serve as a way to market your writing to a wider audience.

Here are a few examples:

Contact your old highschool and offer to go in for career day. Then let the town newspaper know you'll be there. A possible story would be "Westside High graduate inspires students to pursue their dreams."

Maybe you are interested in Quilting. You could offer to write something up for your quilting group and submitting it to the newspaper.

Contact the university you graduated from to let them know about your publishing successes. They love having the opportunity to brag about their grads!! Offer to write up an article about your road to publication for their alumni magazine or departmental newsletter.

Think of some yourself now. How could the connections you already have open doors to share your work? This kind of creative thinking will reap major dividends as you publish.

Your Coach for the Journey, Tiffany Colter

1 comment:

Malcolm R. Campbell said...

How often we look for the BIG PROMO ideas (like appearing on Oprah's TV show) and forget about doing the real stuff we can more easily manage.
