Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Reaching Back

One things that is especially fulfilling for me as I move further down the writer's road is the opportunities I have to reach back and pull other writers ahead.

This can be a very lonely profession. We spend hundreds of hours huddled with our computers creating characters and plot lines. Then we tear them apart, rework them, put them back together and start it all over again. I find with each edit that I grow deeper as a person and I grow increasingly self-aware.

I love to teach writing groups because it gives me this opportunity over and over. A couple of weeks ago I taught at the Midwest Dreams Writer's Conference in Mansfield, Ohio. I enjoyed learning from other teachers and speakers but what most excited me when when I was teaching "You wanna be a gonna be?" and I suddenly saw one person after another have an "a-ha" moment. It isn't about ego; it's about adding value to another person's life. If, for only a moment, I did something to improve the life of the people there...WOW. What an opportunity.

Not everyone is cut out to speak, but all of us can give back. If you're new on the writer's path then pair up with another writer at the same place you are. The two of you can learn together. If you can get a writing mentor, find one. But as you start to see results be sure you remember what it was like starting out and always be willing to give back.

I have brochures on my speaking topics that I can mail to members of groups. I speak to writer's groups, churches, mom's groups, adoption groups, parents with special needs, homeschoolers and many others. If you'd like to distribute my brochures to the churches and groups you are a part of email me through my contact page. Give me your name, address[snail mail], type of group you're a part of and number of brochures you'd like [I limit it to 20 but if you need more I can send the file to print additional copies for your group/organization.]

Hope to see all of you at an upcoming conference. Saturday I'll be teaching in Zanesville. Email if you'd like details.

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