Monday, June 2, 2008

Something a little different

How funny is that??

Last week I take a week off and I find out that I was listed as a great place to learn!! It was such an honor to have my name among greats like Randy Ingermanson, Mary DeMuth, Susan May Warren and Gail Gaymer Martin. BUT I DIDN'T even know I was there!!!

So all these great people who found out about me must have wondered what was so great about a blog that never got updated. Oh happens.

But today I want to tell you about a book that is coming out on Tuesday that I'm really excited about. The book is called The Hunted and it's by Mike Dellosso.

As you all know, I have very few author interviews on my blog. This is primarily a place for YOU to learn how to market your own books. However, I am making an exception in this case because Mike is fighting a real live enemy! Cancer. Since my husband is coming up on his 2 year anniversary cancer free [YEAH] I have a special place in my heart for a person who is finally reaching a dream [publication] when something like this hits!

I believe being a writer isn't just about what's in it for us, but it is also about building up other writers when they need it.

Mike would usually be out promoting his book and working to get it in front of others-but then this diagnosis hit. So just like others did for me, I want to support Mike. I'd encourage you to check out the first chapter of The Hunted. And send as many people as you know over to check it out. It is one of the most intense openings I've read in a long time and I'm really excited to read the whole book. If you like the book, help spread the word.

All of us are writers. All of us would hope that our fellow writers would step in during our moment of need.

So today, instead of our own marketing, let's help another writer market his book.

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