This summer was the largest summer in the history of Writing Career Coach. I want to thank each and every one of you who took advantage of all the free resources as well as the coaching and editing services I provide.
I am excited to say that among my clients there are finalists in national contests, individuals who have acquired agents and some who are being looked at for publication. I’ve had clients sell articles to publications [for pay] and also have things published locally & nationally in exchange for bylines.
In addition to all of this I have received many emails about how you are growing as writers, advancing your careers and getting new focus and drive. We have expanded to include two assistants for administrative tasks, so I can begin to focus on only coaching and tutoring.
From its humble beginnings, Writing Career Coach is growing strong! Since we are going so strong I am financially in a position to offer some discounts and special offers to the people who got me here-you!
For those of you who read my blog and my newsletter I have a special offer! My September calendar is already booking up and I’m giving you first priority along with some substantial discounts and bonuses. All of these are on a first come, first serve basis. You may
contact me through my website to book your spot. First, a bit for those of you going to conference, then something for everyone else.
Conference Dry Run
One of the greatest parts of a writer’s conference is the opportunity to meet with editors and agents. It is your shot to pitch your project. You want to do your best. The Conference Dry Run is what you need. For $25 we will have a 25 minute phone call. The first 15 minutes I will play the part of an editor/agent. For the last 10 minutes we will look at the strengths and weaknesses of your pitch and brainstorm ways for you to put your best foot forward at this all important meeting.
Proposal/Conference preparation plan
[Whether or not you’re going to conference]
I will edit your one sheet, give you a query template to use when you send in your requested manuscripts after conference, evaluate your synopsis [up to 3 pgs] and 30 pgs of your manuscript [up to 8,000 words]. You’ve worked hard to get this far. Make sure you’ve put your most professional face forward. $80 [I will only do 5 of these in September,
contact me for scheduling.]
Complete Conference Prep Kit
Get the Conference Dry Run and the preparation plan for $100.
I will now offer two kinds of coaching. Select the plan that best meets your needs.
Straight email coaching This has been the Writing Career Coach standard for years. For $30/month [with a minimum 3 month commitment] you will get the two writing career coach workbooks and 3 months of email coaching. This coaching includes customized feedback for each Writing Career Coach exercise.
Coaching with the phone option Or, for $50/month you can have the email coaching with a monthly 45 minute phone call where we can discuss marketing, brainstorming, answer questions, etc. This option is available to all of my clients [even those in other countries, however you will call in to a US phone number so you will incur long distance charges.] This is a great option for writers who want a little more.
I will accept 10 coaching clients in September. Anyone who signs up in August will get to begin immediately and get August as BONUS days! [however there is no additional phone call]
I will do content edits [see
this blog for an example]. I have many happy clients from the US, Canada, Europe and the UK. I edit both Fiction and Non-Fiction. I will do 4 edits TOTAL at the price below, [one per week in September] so contact me for scheduling. A 10% deposit is required to hold your spot.
As a bonus ALL edits on full manuscripts of 50,000 words+ will get the full 3 month coaching plan with their edits FREE!! [A $90 value] They may upgrade to the phone option for only $50 TOTAL [not per month. This is an additional $10 savings.]
50,000-60,000 words $500 to do a complete edit.
60,001-70,000 words $550 to do a complete edit.
70,001-80,000 words $600 to do a complete edit.
Larger or smaller projects, contact me for a quote.
*Complete edit means I will go through the project one time. Some authors want a second edit after they complete revisions. If you’d like re-edits of your work, ask me for a quote.
Tiffany Colter is a writer, speaker and writing career coach who works with beginner to published writers. She can be reached through her website at
http://www.writingcareercoach.com/Tiffany is a speaker and teacher. Find out about
available topics for your group’s next event.
Tiffany is a National Examiner. Read her articles
Learn more about Tiffany’s Marketing techniques on her
main blog.
Common-sense money management is free at
The Balanced Life website.
Read Tiffany’s award winning manuscript “A Face in the Shadow” on her
fiction blog.
She writes a blog for the Christian writer Tuesdays at
Writer’s Rest.