Thursday, September 27, 2007

Industry News

This week we are speaking with Author Amy Wallace. Her Defenders of Hope Series released its first book of the three book series last spring.

1. What are some things you did to market your book?
Which one(s) did you feel were most effective.
Marketing is one area of writing that scared the chocolate right out of my hand. ;-) But I've learned what parts of marketing I enjoy and what I need to do anyway. The marketing I've most enjoyed has been blog tours and radio interviews. As far as these things translating to sales, both the blog tours and interviews have been extremely helpful in letting people know who I am and why Ransomed Dreams is a book they'd want to read.
I've also done puzzles, mugs, and candy bars with the Ransomed Dreams cover and giveaway baskets that included these items. They've all been huge successes. I give these fun items away to my newsletter subscribers and people who visit me at book signings and speaking engagements. Many times I've included a signed copy of Ransomed Dreams. Not only are these things one way I can say thanks to readers, but they've also provided a neat way to remind folks about my book and inspire them to share the books with others.

2. Share with us some things you did to improve your craft.
One of the most important ways to improve your craft is to get honest with God about your heart. It's from the depth of who we are and what God has taught us that come stories people connect with and remember.
Some other ways to improve your craft: Read great books~ ones in your genre and outside of it. Prayerfully seek writing partners or mentors who will help you grow by showing you areas of weakness and strength. And another awesome way to improve your craft is to reach out and help others by teaching, critiquing, and learning the nuts, bolts and heart of writing together.

3. You recently attended the ACFW Writer's Conference, share with us something you learned there that you think will make you a better writer or person.
One of the most valuable things I take away from ACFW this year is that God sees me and the affirmation that He has a good plan that He alone knows and will reveal in His perfect time. The writers who make up ACFW are an incredible group of God followers who teach, inspire, and love well. I'm honored to be a part of an organization that equips authors spiritually and practically to dream big and watch God do amazing things.

Ransomed Dreams (Defenders of Hope Series #1)

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